Thousands of years ago, by learning to ignite fire by lighting up the fibers of trees to warm the environment we were in and realizing that we could hunt better if do it together, humanity set the first examples of changing the environment to improve its quality. While our desire to observe and seek the better existed long before our era, today, our ability to seek better works differently. We think not about survival but about simplifying life, asking questions like, "Can this be done differently?" or "Why isn't there such a system, tool, or equipment?”.

While moving towards creative thinking, seeing opportunities, and trying to improve life, some people go a little further. These people not only see that a job can be done differently but also think about the means to achieve that and try to come up with a systematic approach to it. These people who take all the necessary actions at all stages, from creating a new business idea to its implementation, and strive to achieve the desired result despite the possibility of failure are called "entrepreneurs".

Entrepreneurial individuals add value, improve, and develop the environment and society they are in. Any community, company, and organization need entrepreneurs for growth and change. People who approach processes with an innovative perspective and a focus on opportunities create significant value for companies. Implementing a new business model, a step that changes the process, or an idea that supports the company's current activities are "human" qualities, but turning these ideas into profitable results, progressing through the process, and not giving up are the qualities of an "entrepreneur".

As Borusan Cat, we value innovative thinking, constantly renew and adapt all our processes and actions, and strive to improve them based on the ideas of our entrepreneurial colleagues. In line with our corporate mission "We Create Solutions for a Better World," we are launching the "Solution Hub: In-house Entrepreneurship Platform" initiative to incorporate the concept of "entrepreneurship" into our organization. Now, our colleagues can share their ideas to improve our business models through a platform directly integrated into our development process.

We have decided to progress under 4 main topics in line with the company's needs while listening to our colleagues' process development proposals, new business and collaboration ideas: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Site Solutions, Extended Operations, Productivity in the Construction Industry, and Expanded Value Chain in Mining. These 4 main themes make up the platform, and dozens of ideas have been recorded on the platform in just a few weeks, and we believe that even more innovative ideas will be included here. As Borusan Cat, by blending our colleagues' creative propositions and entrepreneurial passion with the importance we give to innovation, we aim to produce outputs that benefit our organization, the industries we operate in, our customers, and the world.



As writers for theBClog, we share with you articles that highlight current developments and inspiring ideas in various topics, from sustainability to technology, energy to climate, and innovation to human interest stories.


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