Hello! Today, I’d like to share my Caterpillar Best Practices idea. But first, let me briefly explain to you that what Caterpillar Best Practices is all about.

Caterpillar Best Practices program encourages us to come up with new ideas that make our work easier, increase safety and create overall benefits in our workshop. In this program which everyone can submit suggestions; the idea first goes through an evaluation and approval process by Caterpillar. After the process is completed, the ideas that Caterpillar approved are published worldwide and become available for all Cat dealers to use.

Now, let me take you through the Caterpillar Best Practices journey which I want to explain in my article…

In our workshop, we often faced damage to the operator cabins of Caterpillar machines during dismantling and dispatch, which increased the risk of accidents. Solving this problem and enhancing occupational safety was always a topic we have brainstormed about. After the idea first came out, the process took around five months of research, design, and experimentation. Eventually, we succeeded in creating a cabin stand fully compatible with Caterpillar machinery.

This stand allows us to prepare machine cabins for dispatch much more safely and comfortably. I didn’t expect it to be so functional at first, but I’m happy that the result is a tool that eases our work.

In this process, my main motivation was to maximize occupational safety and improve our workshop’s efficiency. When cabins are dismantled, we can secure them to this stand for transporting, stacking, and working on them, all without any safety concerns.

What Benefits This Cabin Stand Provides For Us?

Thanks to our stands, we’ve set up a designated waiting area for cabins. If we need to move them elsewhere, the forklift can safely lift the cabin directly using the stand. When we want to work around or inside the cabins, we can do so safely without worrying about them toppling over. This stability boosts both the quality and speed of our processes. 

I believe this Caterpillar Best Practices idea has improved our workshop’s organization and efficiency. We no longer have to worry about cabins being unstable on wedges. We’ve also eliminated issues like chassis damage and broken windows due to miscalculated weight distribution during transport. By resolving these problems, we increase customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, avoiding the morale drop from accidents is a significant bonus for us. The fact that we haven’t encountered any problems since the day we start to use the cabin stands proves how much we actually needed this tool.

Our workshop organization is constantly evolving, new ideas make our lives easier. I would like to thank our Workshop Engineer Beyza Yiğitaslan for supporting me in the process of preparing this article. I would like to end my article by thanking the Borusan Cat family for supporting the continuous development and giving us the time and space to work on our Caterpillar Best Practices ideas, I am happy to be a part of this family!


Abdullah Akbenli

I was born in the village of Yenice, in the Haymana district of Ankara. I am married and have a large, happy family with three children. I began my career in 2002 as an intern. In 2010, I joined the Borusan Cat family, where I still work and feel very happy. After working in the workshop, external service, hydraulics, and power transmission units, I am now continuing my career in the ERS department.

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