“You work in the mining industry! Do you experience any disadvantages as a woman?”

This is a question I’ve encountered frequently throughout my career. I am Nilda Limoncu, a 26-year-old mechanical engineer working in the mining industry at Borusan Cat. Over the years, I have gained extensive field experience in service operations, from technical training for 777 haul trucks to CTS (Custom Track Service) measurements, site evaluations, and machine failure analyses.

And no, I have not faced any disadvantages due to being a woman, nor do I expect to. On the contrary, the time I spend in the field has only deepened my love for my job. My interest in this sector grows daily, and I am eager to learn more.

One of the factors contributing to my positive experience is my workplace. Borusan Cat operates with the company purpose: “We Create Solutions for a Better World.” The company sees equality as a strength and takes responsibility for leading innovations that support awareness in the industry. Projects such as “Women in Heavy Equipment Operators” and “Women's Dump Truck Operator Project” in different regions are just a few examples of Borusan Cat’s commitment to gender equality and increasing female employment.


However, prejudices about the low number of women in mining are still widespread. There are misconceptions that women do not want to work at mining sites or that field teams do not trust female employees. Unfortunately, I am one of the rare examples of breaking these stereotypes. But the primary reasons for the lack of women in the industry are inadequate working conditions and a lack of awareness. This is where Borusan Cat stands out—by challenging these biases and fostering a work culture that evaluates every individual equally, regardless of gender.

Shortcomings in Working Conditions

March 5, 2024—I’m at a mining site in Anatolia… I needed to use the restroom, a basic necessity. However, the women’s restroom was locked because there were no female employees on-site. I had no choice but to use the men’s restroom, while my colleagues waited outside for me. That moment made me realize that the presence of women in mining has not been adequately considered from the very beginning.

Because mining has historically been seen as a physically demanding industry, working conditions have typically been designed for men. Even basic facilities such as locker rooms and restrooms for women are either nonexistent or inadequate at many sites. However, modern technologies have the potential to change this perception. Advancements in work processes make it easier to adapt mining sites to accommodate female employees. The industry must keep up with this transformation!


The Contribution of Women to the Industry

The inclusion of women in the mining sector is not just about gender equality—it also enhances workplace diversity and innovation. One example is Yelda, a haul truck operator I met at a gold mine.

Yelda’s red nail polish, modern tattoos, and bright smile reflected her passion for her job. She was both loved by her colleagues and respected for her expertise. As we discussed technologies that could help prevent operator errors and the importance of training, I clearly saw the value she brings to the industry. Women’s diverse perspectives contribute to creative problem-solving and make work processes more efficient.

A More Inclusive Future for the Industry

In my opinion, to create a more inclusive structure in the mining sector, we need to: 

  • Improve occupational safety standards,
  • Provide flexible working conditions,
  • Increase vocational training programs for women.

Success is determined by work discipline, knowledge, and curiosity—not by gender.

We recognize that increasing female employment in mining is not just a necessity but also one of our responsibilities as a company operating in this industry. At Borusan Cat, we continue our efforts to drive a more inclusive transformation in mining, setting an example for the sector.

I hope it won’t take many years to change these perceptions and conditions.

The strength and perspective of women will open the doors to a more inclusive and sustainable future in the industry.

Nilda Limoncu

Hi I'm Nilda! I graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department at Bilkent University. I love staying busy with activities like traveling, sports, yoga, and constantly adding new hobbies to my life. I absolutely adore learning! Currently, I am working at Borusan Cat while pursuing my master's degree at Istanbul Technical University (ITU).

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