Eda Akça, the Financial Affairs Leader of Borusan Cat’s Ankara Region, is someone who has discovered the power of breathing on her personal development journey. In this blog post, you’ll learn about Eda’s experience with breathing, the differences between breathing and respiration, the importance of proper breathing, and the effects of dysfunctional breathing on our lives. You’ll discover that breathing is not just a part of life but also a tool for conscious awareness and healthy living.


Breathing, although it seems like an automatic reflex we continue without noticing, actually has a significant impact on our health and well-being when controlled. Eda Akça, the Financial Affairs Leader at Borusan Cat’s Ankara Region, is one of those who discovered the profound and powerful effects of breathing on her personal development journey.

How Can You Discover the Power of Breathing?

Eda shares her first encounter with breathing and what it has brought to her: “In 2008, during a time when I felt very overwhelmed, I participated in my first breathing session. This experience deeply affected me, and I started attending various training sessions to explore the power of breathing more closely. I learned that breathing is not just a respiratory activity but also a tool for awareness.”

What is the Difference Between Respiration and Breathing?

Respiration and breathing are often thought to be the same, but Eda emphasizes that these two concepts are quite different. “Respiration is an automatic function of our body, a reflex. But breathing is a process we can control. Respiration is a chemical process that delivers oxygen to cells, whereas breathing is a physical action. By controlling our breathing, we can take deep, shallow, fast, or slow breaths, and in doing so, we can also control our body and mind.”

Improve Your Quality of Life with Proper Breathing

Proper breathing means using the breath in a way that integrates with the natural functioning of our body. Eda says: “If we don’t breathe properly, that is, if we have dysfunctional breathing, many problems can arise in our body. Fatigue, weakness, difficulty concentrating, and even psychological issues like depression can be results of dysfunctional breathing.”

So, how can we improve our breathing habits? Eda’s suggestions include practicing regular breathing exercises, seeking help from a breathing coach, or attending breathing camps. “Breathing can be learned and programmed by our physiology,” Eda says. “By applying the right techniques, we can change our breathing habits and improve our quality of life.”

Open the Doors of Awareness with Breathing

The insights shared by Eda Akça show that breathing is not just a reflex that keeps us alive but also a key that opens the doors to conscious living. How about re-evaluating your relationship with your breath and integrating this powerful tool of awareness into your life more consciously?

NOTE: The information shared in this article is based on Eda Akça’s personal experiences and does not constitute professional advice. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before practicing any breathing techniques.

Click here to read our article “Discover the Transformative Power of Breath with Transformational Breathing.


Eda Akça

Eda is the Administrative Affairs and Operations Leader at Borusan Cat and has been part of the Borusan Cat family for 17 years.

She describes herself as a social person who loves communicating with others. Eda is deeply curious about personal development, and she enjoys taking courses and reading books on the subject. For the past four years, she has been studying Dharma, and for the last two, she’s been diving into Gestalt Coaching.

Her hobbies include exploring new places and trying different cuisines. She also loves cooking and hosting friends at her home.


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