Although breathing is one of the most fundamental aspects of our lives, we can unknowingly develop incorrect breathing habits. Eda Akça, the Financial Affairs Leader of the Borusan Cat Ankara Region, has discovered the power of breath on her personal development journey and explains how these habits affect our lives. She emphasizes that thanks to the technique known as transformational breath, it’s possible and crucial to return to natural breathing.


The first thing we experience when we are born is our lungs filling with air; in other words,  natural  breathing. Natural breathing is defined as breath that comes naturally, without any pauses, by utilizing the diaphragm muscle at full capacity, moving from the abdomen to the chest. However, throughout our lives, due to stress, poor posture, and bad habits, we often lose this natural way of breathing. Eda explains, “Just as a person can develop a poor posture habit and become hunched, we can develop a single type of breathing habit and continue it in a harmful way.” Eda points out that chest breathing, mouth breathing, and frequent breath-holding are incorrect breathing patterns that negatively impact our health.

The Importance of Transformational Breath

So how can we correct these wrong breathing habits? This is where transformational breath comes into play. Eda describes transformational breath as a technique that aims to open physical and mental blockages, reduce stress and anxiety, by consciously breathing. This technique focuses on maintaining a steady rhythm and depth in breathing, regulating the energy flow in the body. Eda highlights the significant benefits of the practice, saying, “We can use transformational breath to cope with daily challenges, foster emotional healing, and boost creativity.”

3 Key Elements to Boost Your Energy

There are three key elements in applying the transformational breath technique: open breath, connected breath, and activated breath. Open breath helps relax the diaphragm; connected breath ensures that inhalations and exhalations occur continuously without any pauses; and activated breath aims to make breathing deeper and effortless naturally.

Eda Akça notes that it’s possible to practice these techniques at home and offers the following suggestions: “You can dedicate 5-10 minutes each day for 10 days to practice this technique. Later, you can extend this time to 20 minutes. As your breath opens up, you will observe an increase in your awareness and energy levels.” However, she recommends practicing transformational breath under the guidance of a breath coach, especially at first. She points out that breath coaches teach proper breathing during sessions and help individuals recognize the impact of their breathing habits on their lives. “Doing the initial breath sessions with a coach is crucial in identifying and correcting bad habits,” she says.

Transformational breath can be a powerful tool for both body and mind awareness. How about taking a step to review your own breathing habits and experience the transformative impact of breath in your life?

NOTE: The information shared in this article is based on Eda Akça’s personal experiences and does not constitute professional advice. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before practicing breath techniques.

Click to read our article on “The Importance of Proper Breathing”.


Eda Akça

Eda is the Administrative Affairs and Operations Leader at Borusan Cat and has been part of the Borusan Cat family for 17 years.

She describes herself as a social person who loves communicating with others. Eda is deeply curious about personal development, and she enjoys taking courses and reading books on the subject. For the past four years, she has been studying Dharma, and for the last two, she’s been diving into Gestalt Coaching.

Her hobbies include exploring new places and trying different cuisines. She also loves cooking and hosting friends at her home.


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