"When i was your age..."

Boomers had a more difficult life than today, due to the poor conditions of that time. Because they had limited access to information, technology, and other possibilities, they did many things in different ways than generations Y and Z. They went to school on foot and did not use technology. They also often socialized on the streets and spent time on reading books. 

"Excuse me, is there a plug socket?"

Considering the generations Y and Z, because they were born in the golden age of technology, they have a very different lifestyle than the Boomers. With the advanced technology; televisions, phones, transportation vehicles, etc. brought great changes to the lifestyle of these two generations. Especially after the Internet, with social media, the world has faced a change that it has never seen before. Generation Y and Z now spend most of their time on smartphones and computers. 


This Is Not About Unable To Share The Remote Controller

It is observed that there is a conflict between the Boomers and generations Y and Z. While the Boomer generation criticizes the new generations for constantly spending time with technological devices. However, the generations Y and Z think that these criticisms are unfair because the Boomers did not leave them a livable, green, and safe environment. They also argue that no one should be apologized for using the comfort that technology brings. 

While this intergenerational conflict continues, this inevitable handover is about to occur. While generations Y and Z are determined to take a lesson from the situation and have a gentle attitude towards future generations, the Boomers are determined to defend that they are right until the last minute. While an era is closing, what the generation that will shape our future will do is a matter of great curiosity.


TheBClog consists of rich content prepared by all Borusan Cat members on topics such as sustainability, productivity, future, technology, and the business world. The stories of success shared by the Borusan Cat members meet with the world at TheBClog in Turkish, English and Russian.

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