Yulia Gorlach'ın Örme (Amigurimi) Hikayeleri
23 December 2021

Knitting Stories By Yulia Gorlach

Most of us have some hobbies which are not associated with work, hobbies that take all our attention, inspire us and spark interest in others. No matter what our interests are, each of us goes his or her own way of mastery. Hobby is a favorite thing to do, life passion of one, who is engaged and enjoys it sparing no time and effort. In hobby man is not a passive consumer of some content from TV or smart phone screen, but indeed a thinking creator and active doer; and such actions bring value. When hobby enters one’s life, it may have a good impact on his or her state of mind and performance at his or her major work and be the source of energy and inspiration. But what if the work itself is the source of inspiration for one’s hobby?
Please, meet Yulia Gorlatch, Logistics Specialist for Borusan Cat Kazakhstan, and her unique story behind her favorite hobby.
– Manara Kusbekova

Just a few years ago I couldn’t even imagine having such a hobby in the nearest future, and that I would be passionate about it for such a long time. I’m prone to changes and may switch from one thing to another in time, leaving that first thing unfinished. But five years ago, while on my maternity leave, I began to knit. I enjoyed and took a fancy to it, since knitting became a sort of meditation to me, bringing peace and new energy. When I’m not in mood or I need to distract myself from something, or just spend some good time, I grab my needles and crotchet. Certainly, with job and family there’s not much time for a hobby, so oftentimes I sit to knit at night with a cup of tea.

The important reason for me to keep knitting even after my maternity leave was my own circle of who likes my artwork. I don’t take any product segment: often I make toys, but I happen to knit caps, scarfs, and blankets as well. But no matter what I create and work on, it feels nice every time to give people emotions and through my works pass some of my warmth to them.  When you make something with your own hands, you put your spirit in there.

Knitting toys for children is what motivates me the most to look for new ideas and create new things, as children always are truly happy to have these toys, original in design and differing from others, which become usually their little cozy friends. It feels very nice and I'm so pleased when my child also asks for some toy and I can knit it for her.

Once I had this idea to knit a scarf with a Cat logo on it. People knit snowflakes, why not knit a Cat logo same way. Of course, the first pancake is always spoiled – meaning that I did not finish that scarf anyway, but I understood all in all the principle of knitting the logo.

Sometime later one of my colleagues approached me and asked to knit a bee as a gift for a colleague whom he associated with a working bee thanks to his diligence and perseverance in work.  Already while working on it I realized that all employees of our Company work diligently just like bees towards our common goal and seeking common results. This thought inspired me to make this bee a special one and to knit it a pullover with Cat logo on it. I succeeded, and that bee came to be really special. I’ve knitted over 30 toys since, and it feels nice to know that pieces of my work are there in many branches of Borusan Cat.

I highly value Borusan Cat’s corporate culture. Our team is very united and friendly. Even away from work we stay friends with many interests in common. I like it the most that in any city all around Kazakhstan there are your colleagues whom you may approach both with work related or personal issues, and they will be there to help you. We are really like a big close family.  Through knitting things with Cat logo on it I express my love to the Company and the brand.

Yuliya Gorlach

Yulia joined Borusan CAT Kazakhstan family in 2012 as a Logistics Specialist. Having been in this position for added 10 years the young woman identifies herself as a patriot of her Company. Yuliya considers herself to be a hard worker and values diligence, sincerity and responsibility in people.