Waste Reduction Strategies

Waste reduction strategies aim to minimize the amount of waste generated by various industries and individuals. These strategies focus on maximizing efficiency during production and consumption stages, while also emphasizing recycling at the end of product life. The use of appropriate materials is crucial for this purpose.

Recycling and reuse play a significant role in waste management. Recycling waste by processing it into new products or repurposing the same products for different purposes ensures more efficient use of resources. The implementation of these strategies makes a difference in reducing environmental impacts and conserving natural resources. Therefore, waste reduction strategies are considered essential for a sustainable future.

Recycling Processes and Technologies

Recycling processes and technologies refer to the methods used in the collection, sorting, processing, and making reusable of used materials.

Recycling starts with the separation and collection of used materials at their source. The collected materials are sorted and processed according to specific criteria. Subsequently, the processed materials are used in the production of new products or as raw materials. As technologies facilitating each step of recycling improve, the efficiency of these processes increases.

Zero Waste Approach and Applications

The zero waste approach stands out as the most advance strategy aiming to minimize waste generation, use resources more efficiently, and reduce environmental impacts. This approach encompasses steps such as waste reduction at the source, recycling, reuse, and energy recovery from waste.

Initially, design changes and more sustainable production methods are adopted to reduce waste generation in production processes. Subsequently, recycling and reuse of waste are promoted, and waste management infrastructure is strengthened for this purpose. The implementation of this approach offers benefits such as conservation of natural resources and reduction of environmental pollution. It can be applied at corporate, industrial, and individual levels and plays a critical role in achieving a sustainable future. When the zero waste approach is achieved, production processes can continue without generating any waste.

At Borusan Cat, we recycle the waste generated at our facilities by separating it at its source and reintroducing it into the circular economy. Many of our facilities, including those in Gebze, Izmir, Adana, Diyarbakır, Trabzon, Ankara, have received the "Zero Waste" certificate from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of the Republic of Turkey.

Within the framework of our zero waste approach, we have started using bottles and thermoses, aiming to eliminate the use of plastic bottles, with our Gebze facility being the pilot area. We provide all colleagues in Gebze location with personalized thermoses and bottles and encourage them to use the water fountains located at various points in the facility. We aim to take the "Prevention" action, which is a priority option in the waste management hierarchy, and planning to prevent tons of plastic usage.

Waste Recovery and Recycling Projects

Waste recovery and recycling projects aim to use resources efficiently and reduce environmental impacts. These projects typically involve the construction of waste management facilities, improvement of existing facilities, or strengthening of waste collection infrastructure. Businesses, local governments, and non-governmental organizations are often involved in implementing such projects.

For example, many municipalities organize education and awareness campaigns to improve waste collection infrastructure, establish recycling facilities, and increase recycling awareness in the community within the scope of waste recovery and recycling projects. These projects promote a sustainable approach to waste management while providing economic and environmental benefits.

In this scope, as Borusan Cat, through our Revision Centers, we collect used machine parts, perform necessary maintenance and improvements, and then offer them to our customers for reuse. This way, we conserve our resources in line with our zero waste approach and contribute to circularity.

Safe Disposal of Hazardous Waste

The safe disposal of hazardous waste, which arises during recycling processes or cannot be recycled, is also considered an important process. Safe disposal of these wastes ensures minimizing potential risks to human health, the environment, and ecosystems.

The collection, transportation, and proper disposal of hazardous waste in specially designed facilities are usually carried out using various methods such as thermal treatment technologies, chemical processes, or physical processes. At the end of these processes, hazardous wastes are rendered harmless and irreversibly neutralized.




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