What Is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 can be shortly defined as "the name given to the fourth industrial revolution". Industry 4.0, commonly including digital transformation, encompasses technologies such as automation, data processing, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and the IoT (the Internet of things).

If we start wondering what the ultimate goal of Industry 4.0 is, the answer will sound like this: the transformation of manufacturing operations to achieve maximum efficiency. Industry 4.0 was born in response to the ever-changing needs of evolving technology and modern days.

We do not have to look far for an example. Cell phones, which now play a significant part in our lives, are quite capable of explaining the logic of industry 4.0. The possibilities that this powerful computer in our pocket opens for us in our daily lives inevitably indicate that these technologies will bring changes to business life as well. Given that there is a lot of data and it is becoming easier to process it, the fact that Industry 4.0 will affect our lives seems inevitable.

Technologies and Applications of Industry 4.0

Many technologies are driving Industry 4.0. Some of the most well-known of them is the internet of things, cloud services, artificial intelligence and machine learning, cybersecurity, and digital twin technologies.

Since Industry 4.0 is relatively new and in the process of expansion, we see that the areas of use of these technologies are constantly extending. As new applications continually emerge, it is necessary to keep a close eye on the popularization of the Industry 4.0 revolution and the latest developments. In addition, the fact that more than one technology is used at the same time gives brands the ability to create extremely rich combinations.

For example, the Internet of things is an indispensable technology for smart factories. A system that allows all objects in a factory to communicate with each other opens the door to more efficient production.

Cloud systems work in real-time, like supply and demand and engineering, helping systems that use artificial intelligence provide them with the data they need. Cybersecurity technologies protect operations from malicious objects, while digital twin technologies create exact copies of production facilities and simplify traceability.

The Link Between Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation

With the acceleration kicked off by Industry 4.0, brands looking to improve their performance are embarking on a journey of digital transformation. In other words, the process of making existing operations more digital, more data-driven, and more efficient is called digital transformation.

Of course, digital transformation brings challenges and problems in need of resolving. Because digital transformation is not just about hardware, the mindset has to go through a change as well. A mentality based on using data and technology most efficiently and achieving the potential to offer customers a time-honored experience requires detailed knowledge.

Brands that understand Industry 4.0 better than others are much more successful in digital transformation. In the current marketplace, where digital transformation is seen as a necessity, it is safe to say that brands need to race to stay ahead of the competition.

We are seeing the proliferation of proactive apps. Solving the problems of their customers using the data they have is considered the golden goal of companies. At Borusan Cat, we also attach great importance to this issue.

Operating under our motto "We create solutions for a better world", we work with our customers not only as a technology supplier but as a solution provider as well. From this point of view, we are moving away from the “sell, failure appears, fix” logic being in use so far and adopting a proactive approach that maximizes business continuity.

Müneccim, developed by Borusan Cat and making full use of artificial intelligence, also aims to achieve this goal. Müneccim evaluates IoT data, processes it using machine learning algorithms, and determines what kind of failure a particular technique can give in a specified time interval. After that, our sales consultant informs the owner of the work machine, and the problem can be solved before it even occurs, and our client's business continuity advances with maximum efficiency and minimum cost.

What do you think awaits us in the technological future born of Industry 4.0 and the accelerated movement of digital transformation? What changes would you like to see as a buyer or manufacturer?



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