The population and urbanization that increased with the technical innovations that emerged due to the Industrial Revolution lead to the differentiation of living standards and consumption habits.

Consequently, usage of chemical substance and wastes increasing compared to the past is inevitable. Naturally, this situation causes air, water, and soil pollution that destroys natural life, including issues such as the depletion of natural resources and climate change.

Did We Miss the Last Exit Before the Bridge?

Earth Overshoot Day refers to the date, when the resources of the next year began to being consumed, was held on July 29 in 2019, and that year was the fastest use of Earth resources. Therefore, people not being responsible for future generations and do not use resources sustainably. Especially in the last fifty years, the amount of waste caused by human activities damage human life in various ways and negatively affect the quality of life and biological diversity because of industrial excess toxic waste, soil, air, and water pollution.

We Can't Proceed Without Being Better

Limited land availability despites the increasing human population requires the protection of lands, sustainable management, and improvement of destroyed lands to meet the needs of human beings and ensure their welfare in the long term. On the other hand, an integrated land resource management needs in the fight against natural and human-induced risk factors such as insufficient rainfall, climate instability, and misuse of lands and possible disasters.

Innovation Activities Is So Important

The negative impact of human activities on nature is increasing, and earth couldn't handle this negative impact. Business impact is more than people. There is an important point where innovation differs from other business activities. Other business activities care not making detrimental effect, but the significant thing in innovative making the most harmless impact and be careful with nature. This innovation included in the literature with a definition such as eco-innovation.

Eco-innovation, which includes all kinds of significant innovativeness with the aim of sustainable development; it is supported by many local governments, states, and governments. Eco-innovation will reduce the harmful impact on the environment over the years.



As writers for theBClog, we share with you articles that highlight current developments and inspiring ideas in various topics, from sustainability to technology, energy to climate, and innovation to human interest stories.


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