What is Inclusive Growth?

Inclusive growth stands out as a concept that ensures economic growth benefits all segments of society equally. This approach aims to reduce income inequalities, prevent poverty, and promote social justice. Inclusive growth not only increases economic output but also ensures a fair distribution of economic opportunities and resources. It is seen as essential for sustainable development, as it considers social and environmental benefits for everyone alongside economic development.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are set by the United Nations and consist of 17 targets to be achieved by 2030. These goals are summarized as a global action plan to end poverty, protect our planet, and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity.

17 Sustainable Development Goals

Source: https://turkiye.un.org/en/sdgs

Social and Economic Advantages of Inclusive Growth

Inclusive growth increases access to economic opportunities for all segments of society and encourages participation in economic activities. This ensures more efficient use of the workforce and increases economic productivity. Additionally, it reduces income inequalities, enhancing social peace and stability. Creating an environment where everyone can benefit from economic opportunities increases the overall welfare of both individuals and society.

At Borusan Cat, while working with our company’s purpose statement of "We Create Solutions for a Better World," we attach great importance on inclusivity and equality. We carry out various projects to ensure equal opportunities in our sector and increase women's employment. Through projects, such as women’s heavy machinery operator training program in Türkiye and the Caterpillar Machine Management Basics School for our female colleagues in Kazakhstan, we go beyons geographical boundaries.

The Relationship Between Inclusive Growth and Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is among the important components of inclusive growth. The preservation of natural resources and prevention of environmental degradation are critically important for long-term economic growth. Inclusive policies aim to support environmental sustainability and ensure that everyone lives in a healthy environment.

At Borusan Cat, we are aware of the impact of environmental awareness on sustainable development and take every step with this consciousness. As a pioneer in our sector that creates value through innovation, we implement sustainability-focused practices by leveraging technology. With our Build Exchange Business model, we take worn-out or end-of-life machines and components and give them a new lease on life. We prevent parts and equipment from turning into waste, introducing thousands of tons of waste into the circular economy. By reducing resource usage compared to the production process from scratch, we achieve a carbon emission advantage. With our Build Exchange Business model, we contribute to the 12th and 13th Sustainable Development Goals, "Responsible Consumption and Production" and "Climate Action."

Steps Towards the Future

Sustainable development for inclusive growth considers economic, social, and environmental dimensions together. In this context, developing sustainable development projects and policies ensures long-term economic and social stability. The adoption of green innovation and environmentally friendly technologies both promotes economic growth and supports environmental sustainability. Thus, progressing towards a sustainable future becomes an achievable goal.




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